Your used car, truck, minivan or suv could be a danger to you, your passengers, and other motorists because of recall repairs that have not been done as of yet.
Recalls are done free of charge by the manufacturer of your vehicle. Quite often the problem or complaint you are experiencing with your ride, if deemed a serious safety concern could be covered by a recall.
Is there a recall on my car?
Do not assume that the previous owner of your vehicle had all the applicable recall repairs done. Car manufacture’s normally mail out recall notices to vehicle owners, but there is a possibility that they do not know you are the present owner. You can check for any recalls that may apply to your vehicle by clicking here. If you find a recall listed you should then call your car dealership, give them your 17 digit VIN number and have them run a check to see if any recalls are open/not completed.
If you are concerned about your transmission and would like a professional or second opinion about it call or visit us Thunder Bay Auto Repair
Here is a good video explaining what you might Hear, Feel, Smell, or See when your Transmission is acting up
A number of symptoms can indicate a problem with a transmission, including grinding in gear changes, excessive gear noise, difficulty shifting or a burnt sme…
Thunder Bay Auto Repair 250 Francis St E Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4B2 807-629-7110
What Motor Oil is Best for Thunder Bay Automobiles?
Engine oil is extremely important as it is responsible for lubricating and cooling the moving parts of your engine. Therefore, it is a critical part of keeping your engine functioning at optimal performance.
But choosing the right type of oil can be confusing for some people.
The market is full of different types of vehicle oils, all used for different purposes. In order choose the right oil for your vehicle, it helps to understand the different varieties available.
Different vehicles need different viscosity based on driving conditions. What does “viscosity” mean? In a nutshell, it is a fluid’s resistance to flow based on different factors, such as temperature.
What about the different grades of oil? Every type of oil is given a grade and the higher the grade number, the higher the viscosity. The grade also references the weight of the oil. Some of the common weights are 5W20, 5W30, 10W30 and others.
Your vehicle’s owner manual should tell you exactly what type of oil to use for your vehicle.
Most vehicles use either conventional oils or synthetic oils. Conventional oil is the most common type of oil; it’s the least expensive as well. If you are good about getting your oil changed on time and have a low mileage engine, this option can work for you.
Full synthetic oils are made for special, high-powered types of engines; for instance luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz. These oils can provide excellence performance of the vehicle. However, they are expensive and not every vehicle needs them.
Premium conventional oils are available in multiple viscosity, making it the oil of choice by many. These oils have better oxidation control, improve gas mileage.
Synthetic blend oils are mixed with synthetic motor oil and petroleum-based motor oils. This mixture usually lasts longer and is better for frequent driving situations, heavier loads, and higher temperatures. The evaporation is cut down tremendously with this oil, but it’s much more affordable than full synthetic oils.
As mentioned earlier, the best way to decide what type of oil to use for your vehicle is to check your manual. Another option is to ask your mechanic for their professional opinion on the best type of oil to use, for your specific driving conditions, and what long term plans you have for your car or truck.
If you know that you want to keep your vehicle for 10-20 years, synthetic oil would be a good investment. If you will be keeping the automobile for less than 10 years, name brand conventional motor oil that your owner’s manual recommends will do fine.
Just be sure to do your oil change every 5000 – 6000km’s or every 3 months, when using regular engine oil.
Changing engine oil every three months or 5000 kilometers is recommended for the driving conditions of a typical Thunder Bay vehicle.
Diagnosing car problems may be a difficult task and sometimes it may seem to be an impossible task. It is advisable that the moment you start noticing your automobile having some problem, then it is time to start considering solutions on how to solve the problem.
It is advisable to visit an auto repair shop in Thunder Bay if your vehicle is experiencing any of the car or truck problems mentioned below to help get the issue solved.
Transmission Repair Thunder Bay
Mechanical auto repair problems are usually accompanied with distinct sounds – noises as well as sensations which indicates that something is not functioning as it was designed to. Some of the crucial problem that require repair are discussed below.
It is used constantly and over the years and is bound to start experiencing some trouble. It is prudent to notice early if your car has a transmission problem and take necessary action before the problem worsens.
Some signs of trouble include transmission may refuse to go into gear when depressing the clutch pedal and attempting to move stick shifter. It may happen at any point shifting up and down the asserted gear, or if you had stopped and you try to get into the first gear.
manual transmission
Common causes of this problem include wrong viscosity (thickness of the fluid), low transmission oil, clutch disc, clutch linkage or shift cables. Burning smell is an indicator that your transmission is overheating.
Other transmission trouble includes transmission noisy in neutral, gear slipping, dragging clutch, leaking fluid, grinding, and shaking, clunking humming and whining.
Common causes include inadequate or low transmission fluid which may indicate leaks from seals or gaskets that require changing.
Transmission fluid keeps moving parts of automatic and manual transmissions well lubricated and also prevent the unit from burning up.
Brake system is important and crucial part of a car and has serious consequences if not well maintained and repaired. Some of the braking problem includes low fluid level in brakes. If your car is experiencing this problem top the brake fluid to the mark on the reservoir, and monitor the level to see if it is rapidly dropping, indicating a leak somewhere.
Thunder Bay Auto Repair Quality Brake Jobs
Contaminated brake fluid is another brake problem. Air can enter into the system through the smallest hole and the system may end up with water. Bleeding your brakes will remove that bad stuff and replace it with new fluid.
Worn brake pads should also be replaced. Regular brake inspection should also be done.
Other common brake problem also include brake pedal being too firm, vacuum problems, brake line obstruction among others.
Oil change
An oil changeis also important in a vehicle. Most manufacturers of vehicle recommend that oil should be changed at least once a year in light truck and passenger car gasoline engines. For turbo and diesel engine the recommendation is after every six months.
For maximum protection oil and car companies recommend change of oil every three to six months or 5000 kilometres.
If the oil is not changed as recommended than you risk your vehicle of having numerous premature problems including loss of performance and increased emission. Also there will be accelerated wear and engine problems.
Oil and filter among other maintenance items must be performed on schedule, other wise the vehicle manufacturer may void your new car warranty.
Note, this preventive maintenance DOES NOT need to be done at the dealership.
Solving whiny car and truck noise from steering pump
It can be embarrassing driving a vehicle that makes strange noises.
If the noise is a whining, whirring type noise only heard when turning the automobiles steering wheel, the noise is most likely coming from the power steering pump. But this does not necessarily mean that the pump is bad.
There are many reasons that can cause noise other than a defective steering pump
Check out this very good video to possibly fix the problem yourself or Call us.
Thunder Bay Auto Repair
250 Francis St E
Thunder Bay, ON
P7E 4B2
Auto theft investigators are alerting the public to a scam involving cloned vehicle identification numbers and are advising consumers to do their homework before they make the purchase.
The Calgary Police Service Auto Theft Unit has recovered over 45 vehicles this year that have been cloned or re-vinned.
“This is a trend that we’re seeing dramatic spikes in the last three or four years,” said CPS S/Sgt. Rob Rutledge. “Many, many years ago, this was a trend that originated out of eastern Canada and vehicles were being re-vinned or cloned out there, sent out to Alberta, sold to unsuspecting consumers, but now we’re seeing our own Alberta criminals doing the same thing.”
Vehicle Identification Numbers are unique and can be found on the inside driver’s side door or dashboard.
Police say the cloning process typically works as follows and usually involves a private sale:
A motor vehicle is stolen or obtained by fraud
The culprits search for a vehicle similar in colour, year, make and model in another province or country
The VIN from the other jurisdiction is incorporated into a new VIN plate and federal standards decal, which are then placed on the vehicle that was stolen or obtained by fraud
The culprits then go to an inspection facility for an out-of-province inspection form
A forged bill of sale and the out of province inspection form are then given to a Registry Office and the vehicle is registered
The vehicle now has a new identity and is offered for sale to an unsuspecting buyer
Police say the vehicles they are recovering are high-end cars, trucks and SUVs in the $50,000 to $60,000 range.
“This is definitely organized crime, there’s a huge profit to be made, particularly if you’re obtaining the vehicles by fraud or theft and selling to unsuspecting consumers, they’re making thousands and thousands of dollars. We’ve seized vehicles off of a lot of motorcycle gang members and other organized crime groups in Calgary,” said S/Sgt. Rutledge.
Police say the consumer is out the money when they go to the door and seize the vehicle.
“They’re out that money because the vehicle was originally stolen from someone else or from the victim’s insurance company,” said Rutledge.
Police say consumers can take a few steps to reduce the risks when buying a used vehicle:
Ask for and make a note of government issued identification from the seller
Ask more questions if the vehicle shows as being registered in another province or country or if it is showing salvage or junk title
Look at the public VIN (lower left dashboard) and compare how the VIN looks to another similar vehicle i.e. Ford to Ford
Compare the public VIN to the federal certification label on the driver’s door frame. The VIN should be the same and the decal should not show any signs of peeling
Take the vehicle to a car dealership and have them conduct checks. i.e. Take Ford products to Ford dealerships etc.